Sunday, February 27, 2011


Here it newest rug!! I kinda actually like it.  I thought it was going to be too crazy for me..but it works.

I need to learn how to make tags so i can put my stamp on it. That way it will truly be a handmade goodie from me!  In the meantime...this is will be on its way to its new home...i hope they enjoy it as much as i did making it.

I also made some of these this week:
Once again...I really need a good camera!! How do ya all get such nice pics to post on your blog??  LOL
             Aint it sweet though???  And another one:
They each have a pin on the back so you can wear them on your coat....or vest...or shirt...or get the idea!! Ha haha!

       Me and the littlest daughter thought they were so cute and we can NOT wait for bout you?? They put a little smile on our faces.

                I need to get my behind off here and on the road....i need to battle the crowds at Meijer....i really hate shopping for groceries on sunday. Especially there.  And then its back here to prep food for the week and cook some yummy enchiladas for the hubby!!! 
Until next time:

May God bless you in all you do!!


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Things have been so crazy around here lately that i haven't hardly had time to breath!!  And you know what that means...a run down mommy!   I can feel the bugs attacking me as we speak! This is not going to be good for my new workout routine....and i have been doing so good too. 
  1. We had three snowdays this week...which meant lots of kids running around..
  2. Trying to keep up with all the kids running around...
  3. Babysitting my little nephew ( who is so adorable!) who has definitly hit his "terrible twos!"....
  4. Taking kids to karate class...
  5. grocery shopping...
  6. My teenager started driving on the road....did you hear that...driving on the ROAD!!!....
  7. Huge argument with my husband...
  8. Finishing my latest rug (Pictures soon...i hope!)...
  9. Starting on the six dishrags i need to make...
Learned how to make yarn from old t-shirts...Which is one of the coolest things i have done in a long time!! Who knew you could do such a thing with a shirt!!
That is just a small list of all the things going on...not including all the jobs i do on a regular basis....

But it is the weekend ....and that means the start of a new week...that always sounds good to me...starting all fresh and new!
I have so many new projects swirling around in my head today that i can't wait for the new week to start some! Hopefully i will get some much needed down time...HOPEFULLY!!

Good night for other nephew is staying the night tonight and those 5 yr. olds love to get up early for some reason..and i mean early!!
 May God bless you in all you do!!


Sunday, February 20, 2011


As the new snow moves in...I thought..what a perfect day to relax!!

So....i took a hot shower, slathered on my thickest most yummiest lotion, put on my softest sweats and socks, brewed a cup of tea, lit my favorite candle and am settling in for the day!

Norah JOnes is playing softly on my cd player and i am going to sew my garland. Can life get any more perfect than that??

Well...maybe if the kids weren't in the background arguing...but i was close!!! Ha ha ha!

I hope everyone in the storms path stays safe and hopefully gets to enjoy a very relaxing me!!! 

May God bless you in all you do!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Its working!!!

I bought a blood pressure monitor today...and blood pressure meds, excercise and the diet are working!!! The doctor said it would take a couple weeks to really see a drop..boy was he wrong!!!

                   It dropped in four days!!!!
I can't wait to see him next time! He will be so happy!! 
It went from 179/99 to 116/74!! Isn't that amazing???

And now onto some more good snowflakes are almost ready to assemble...just have to wait for the glue to dry!!

  I wish i had a better camera...but this will have to do for now! It is made of felt yo-yos and then i glued little crystals on.

 Now i  have to line them up and sew them together...they will be perfect for hanging on my mantle at christmas time...and then i can leave them up with some cute snowmen all thru the winter time!! How adorable will that be. 
I found the pattern in the "create and decorate" magazine. I was waiting for the creators permission...but she never responded. This is her pattern and she gets all the credit!!

When i finish this, I will be able to start my next rug...i have the material already and am just waiting for the time...LOL!! I'm a busy gal ya know!

 I hope the little girl loves it when she sees it...i guess her whole bedroom is done in these colors! I can't wait to see it finished...that is my favorite part. 
I have another order (I think!) from the lady who bought the last one...and six crocheted washrags too!! I better get busy!

Thanks for stopping by!!
May God bless you in all you do!!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Two!!!

It is Day Two on my new journey... its not as bad as I thought it would be!!! I know ...right??
I stuck to my menu yesterday and walked two miles with my "walking" video. 
Today i stuck to the menu and walked in the mall with my sister...good times!! I wish i would have had my camera so i could've taken a pic of her face!!! We are definitely getting older! LOL!!
                         I LOVE YOU SIS!!!!

We did it and now we both feel better!!

I'm almost done with the snowflake garland and hopefully i receive permission to post some is going to be pretty!!  
I finally bought the little crystals to place in the centers so they can "sparkle" like real snowflakes! 
I'm off to take the kids to karate craft bag in hand ( people look at me weird there!! )

May God bless you in all you do!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doctors visit.....

Today i took my husband for his annual check-up...and all was well with him...I on the other hand....

I was supposed to see the doc this i asked them to check my blood pressure so it would be on record for then....big mistake..or shall i say MIRACLE!!
They wouldn't let me leave the office because it was so high..they were concerned and thought i should see the doctor a few days early. Well...lets just say i left there with a script for blood pressure meds.  
In a 'nice and concerned' way....the doctor told me i need to diet...excercise...and find a good stress reliever!! I have two months to show improvement or he will have to give me more meds to control my sugar and cholesterol!!! Thought of taking medicine daily panics me!! (That's probably why my blood pressure was so high!! LOL!!)
So now i have to put on my walking shoes and take this "healthy Journey" more seriously!! 
1,200 calories a day and walking the equivalent to 2 miles a day!! 
What a beginning!!!
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...SERIOULSY!!!
No sugar...what is a food-loving girl to do??
I guess i better sign off...i need to get my sleep...doctors orders!!! 
May God bless you in all you do!!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pictures of my rug.....

Ok...I admit...I need a new camera..or maybe some lessons in how to take great pictures...but you get the idea. These pictures don't do the rug justice. The woman who bought the rug loved it....which makes me so happy (and proud!!)
She said it will match her kitchen and she couldn't wait to get it home!!  I believe the final measurements were:

     30"l x 24 1/2w....perfect for in front of her kitchen sink.

Now i am starting on my next rug...Pink and Black...for a little girls room. I hope they are just as happy as my other customers. If anyone is interested in buying one..just email me or leave me a comment and we can chat! Or maybe you would like to try making one...i can help you along!! 
I can't wait to finish the snowflake garland i am creating....i'm more than half way there!! I hope i can post some pics of it....i think it is going to turn out gorgeous! Don't you love when you create something and it turns out more wonderful than you thought??

                          Joyous!!! Joyous!!! Joyous!!!
Its why i love to make things with my gives me joy to know that i can create what i dream ...and that other people may enjoy it too!!!

Until another day...

May God bless you in all you do!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Life just has a way of sneaking up on ya!!

Yesterday was a big day for me...i signed my oldest daughter up for drivers education!! Just typing that makes my stomach stresses me out. Can it already be time for her to spread her wings and fly...far from her mother?? I remember when she was born..when she took her first toddle and fell on the coffee table...her first stay over at grandma's ....her first attempt at riding a bike.   This is the same girl who took a ride on her friends motorized scooter and almost hit a parked car!!!! Now I have to stand back and watch her drive quick as she can!

Life has many milestones..and most I wait for anxiously...but this i have been dreading for a long time. Its the first of many for it will be her first "real" boyfriend...spring break to God only knows where...leaving for college..moving to another city...and getting married and starting her own family.

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on just have to be ready...and willing! I have to have faith in God and know that he will keep her safe and guide her in ways that i couldn't!!

I love you Autumn and I hope you enjoy the road you are getting ready to follow!!

May God bless you in all that you do!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New project!!

Today i started a new project....a snowflake garland!! I know..sounds crazy..especially after all the snow we have had here in Michigan...but i saw it in one of my favorite magazines(Create and Decorate). 
I just had to make it now!!
I had to cut 9 big circles..72 medium circles..and 72 little i have to make them all into yo-yos and assemble.If i can get permission from the creator..i will post some pics of the finished product. I like to get permission first..i don't want to step on anyones toes ya know..LOL!

I still have a sick little boy here..and now maybe a sick little girl. She has developed a very nasty cough and slight fever..she may need to see the doc this time..we'll see where tomorrow takes us! That's her right there...the one with the beautiful brown hair and eyes to match..she is hugging her cousin Jade..they love to play together.

Have to go for now...until next time..

May God bless you in all you do!!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sleep???? Wjhat sleep???

My littlest got sick yesterday....poor thing!! He was running a temp with no other symptoms..gave him some medicine and thought we were ok. Well he wanted to sleep in the living room...him on one couch..and mommy on the other....UGHHHHHH!!!  Well..turns out he is pretty smart! (probably gets that from me!!) He woke up at 1:30 this morning with a temp of 103.6!!
Needless to say...we were up til 5:00 trying to bring it ice bath needed...Praise God!! I hate that. 
Now we are relaxing watching movies and eating popsicles...praying that at one point he will want to take a nap!! 
 Here's my little guy on a happier day practicing his karate moves in "little dragons" class. He is always full of smiles....which always makes me smile!!  
 I need to go now and take care of him...hopefully he will be feeling better soon...and it doesn't decide to make its rounds with the whole family!!!
May God Bless you in all you do!!


Friday, February 4, 2011

Box Tops For Education!

As you know..I love to volunteer for my kids school. It keeps me involved and they love seeing me least for now they do!! LOL. One of my tasks is to collect all the box tops, count them, check their expiration dates and seperate them into bags of 50....UGGGGHHH!!  I had no idea what I was getting myself into! 
BUT..despite all is so worth it. Your child's school gets 10 cents for every box top collected..and they can use that money to buy really great things for the school. So remember to cut them out and donate them to the school...even if you don't have little can save them and donate them to your nearest elemetary school office. They will make sure to get them to the right person!!

                                    I finished another rug!!!

I will post a picture of it as soon as i teen and i share a of course i don't have it when i need it!! LOL. I really love the way it turned out and i can't wait to show you!! I made it using chocolate brown, tan and cream would go so good in my living room..but i have to part with it..might make myself one when i get the chance! 
Making an old fashioned toothbrush rug is really easy once you get the hang of it. And it costs next to nothing to make your first one. I used old sheets i had in my closet and a toothbrush i bought at the dollar store. I found a great video on utube that helped me understand exactly how to do it...
I hope these helped!! It really does look harder than it is! If you make will love it..but becareful..making them becomes addictive!! 

Until next time!!
May God bless you in all you do!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It is snowing...hard...and the wind is blowing....hard...and me and my littles are cozied up watching t.v. and sharing some popcorn. Let it snow I long as i don't have to leave my warm, safe cocoon!!

Stay safe if you are under the Blizzard of 2011 warnings!!
May God bless you in all you do!!
