Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First day of summer!!

Yeah!!!!  It's the first day of summer!! The longest day of the year!
I really wanted to take the littles to the park and have our first "picnic" of the year....but you know Michigan...the weather didn't cooperate....AGAIN!  

My littlest one asked that we get a "real" picnic basket this summer....and i thought " If that is all it takes to make his summer memorable....then why not?"  He was so thrilled!!
He is the one with glasses....the other cutie is one of his best friends...and cousins..Bradley! They love to play together and get into mischief...can't you tell by those grins??  

The weather here has been pretty comfortable so far...just warm enough for the kids to go swimming and play outdoors...but not too warm to the point of melting while trying to get dinner on the table!

This day was a scorcher though!! How desperate do they look??? Ha ha ha!! We didn't have the time to start up our huge pool so we let the kids set up this kiddie pool....and it was so hot they couldn't wait to get in! I was sitting in the air-conditioned house like any good mother would do! Can't have me melting out there too....who would take care of all my chores??  Hee hee!

Finished another rug....the camoflauge one i was making for my brother-in-law. That one was a pain. I tore up some of his old, worn out shirts that he didn't want to part with and added it in with a brown sheet. Using different fabrics was more trouble than i thought. I will definitely think twice before agreeing to do that again.  Here it is...even though you can't see the true colors...it did turn out nice:
Now i am working on a new one...using animal print flannel sheets. I love working with flannel Sheets!! They are so easy to tear and they flow really well when making the rug. And they are very durable. I'm trying to get a nice stock of them done so i can have a booth at a craft fair this fall. I love working the craft fairs...with some help of course!   I also want to make some hand hooked rugs...but i don't have tons of time to get all this done....and i haven't finished a hooked project yet. The wool can be so expensive and i am leary of buying some if i don't really get into the process. You need time and patience.....and it seems i don't have much of either right now!! 

Just a little note: I have been doing ok with my health lately. I have lost another 3 lbs so far and i have been walking two miles at least three times a week. Having a walking buddy who feels and eats like me has helped me a great deal!! WE are so much alike it is scary!! Hee hee!!
I go see the doc in July and he wanted me to lose at least another 10lbs....i hope he isn't disappointed...but i am trying and i feel i am learning how to live a better life...not just be on some silly diet that i will certainly not follow for long...as has been the case in the past!
So wish me luck....that he doesn't want to put me on more meds...i hate taking pills...its bad enough i have to take the one for blood pressure! 
Until later...

May God bless you in all you do!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am back!!! Sorry it has been so long...and its going to be a few more days until i can post some "real" things...but i couldn't access my blog!!! Can you believe that???  I have so many things to share:

Aiden had his kindergarten graduation ceremony.

I finished my camoflage rug.

We have inquired about constructing on our property(finally!)

Summer officially begins here in a week ( have to admit..i'm not ready!!)
And so much more!!
I am so glad that i have finally fixed the problem!! I have missed all my blog world friends...and i hope you have missed me!!

May God bless you in all you do!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teachers Appreciation Week!!!

In times like these....where there is no money for the schools and teachers are losing their jobs every year...i feel it is very important to let Good teachers know they are appreciated....so.....of course this crafty girl had to get busy...like i don't already have enough on my plate!! Hee hee!! 

I have two littles that attend school...we won't even talk about the older one...she would kill me if i made something for her teachers...LOL!!  That means two gifts...well..budgets aren't just tight in the schools ya know...so we had to get clever!! And i believe we have already discussed how i like to play in "blogland"!! Oh the ideas!!  I wish i could remember the blog i got this idea from...but of course....i can't..but i want to give credit where it is due. 

 These are for my daughter Anne's teacher...Mrs. Duncan! She has such a way of teaching that makes the kids feel special and important. She challenges them and i really appreciate her...she is a hoot too!! We totally click and i LOVE that!!

 These are for my son Aiden's teacher....Mrs. Shown! She really has a talent working with little 5 yr. olds. I volunteer in her room all the time and can't believe she does this everyday!! Hee hee!! The children ADORE her and listen to her every word!! God bless women like her!! 
To make the plaques...i just took a thin board (Bought mine at Walmart) glued some pretty paper on the front..glued another piece of paper on that(after i wrote the cute little words after their letters. The kids thought of the words and i copied them!!) Then i top coated it with decoupage glue to make it last. Drilled some holes and added a ribbon. So fast and easy but it makes a great impact. Its something they can take home or hang in the classroom!! 
The cards were just as fast and easy!!! I folded some cardstock, trimmed the one side with my decorative scissors, glued a piece of decorative paper on the front (i matched the paper to the paper from their plaque!). Then i glued a gerber daisy on top of the paper. When that dried i wrote the saying inside! I thought it was such a clever way to say "thank You!!"  Don't you??  
I hope they like them....i know my littles can't wait to give them their presents.

                      SO TO ALL YOU TEACHERS OUT THERE:

                THANK    YOU AND GOD BLESS!!!
 Not everyone could do the jobs you do and you are truly appreciated...even if you aren't always told!!

May God bless you in all you do!!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Say a prayer!!

Just wanted to ask everyone to stop and say a prayer today for all those ravaged by the severe weather last night!! I couldn't believe my eyes when i was watching the news this morning...my heart aches for all those people. Tornadoes are my biggest fear in life and i can't begin to understand the fear they felt before they hit.  Please pray that God helps them heal quickly and pray that they can overcome this tragedy with whole hearts!  Thank you!

May God bless you in all you do!!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm Here!!!

I'm here...i swear! I know its been awhile..but i have been so busy that when i stop for the day...i really do stop!!

First things first: I went back to the doc and guess what??  
I lost a total of 5 pds....i know it doesn't sound like much..but its great for me. 

My heart is normal!! No bad flaps..not enlarged...no blockages...etc.! 

That is such a great weight off my shoulders. I was so worried that the test was going to reveal something was terribly wrong. Heart disease runs in both sides of my family...my dad died at the age of 42 from a massive heart attack. So you can imagine my sigh of relief!   BUT.......now he wants me to lose 10 more pounds by July 15th.....can it be done...you betcha!   I'm gonna get right on it.....as soon as all the Easter candy quits yelling my name and jumping into my hand from the basket! That mean candy....doesn't it know that i have goals??  Hee hee!!

Speaking of EAster....how was everyone's holiday?? Mine was great of course. Its always about the little's ...doing all the decorating and telling them the stories of how Jesus gave his life for ours. My little daughter was actually crying this year...until i reminded her about how he rose again to heaven!!
Here they are decorating their eggs at my mom's house:
 They couldn't agree about what kind of decorating kit to get...so mom to the rescue...we used regular food coloring..and vegetable oil! We loved how they turned out! The colors were more prim (totally my fave!) and shiny! And how cheap...i didn't have to spend a dime....yahoo!! 

Here's my pretty egg.....pretty good huh??  Hee hee!! I had to get my fingers in there too of course!
As the littles and i decorated...my oldest was hard at work too:
Not sure what she would do if we didn't have access to the internet! i believe she did actually joined us towards the end and dyed one egg....hey...we'll take all we can get...hee hee!
We spent Easter sunday with the family at my mom's house. We have it there because my grandma is bed ridden and if we didn't do it there...she nor my mom would be able to enjoy the festivities. We had a great meal and then hid eggs for the kids....they loved it!

Not quite sure how i managed to get a picture of just my two..but there they are...deep into the hunt. We only lost two eggs...not too bad i think! My daughter won the prize for the most eggs...$3.00! Whoo....plus she found 5 plastic eggs that had money in them! Boy was she happy. Thought i might have to borrow some of that money so we could get gas to get back home!! Just kidding...you don't want to get me started on that subject!!!

And here is my last easter picture i'm gonna share:

Isn't she the cutest bunny you've ever seen?? That is my 4 month old neice Jeri. I couldn't stop kissing those cheeks....she is the happiest baby i have ever come across...and that is saying alot!  Just love her!

Well i guess thats about all i have for now! i received another order for more dishclothes and i'm still working on the rug for my sister...not to mention the games i volunteered to put together for the school. I need to take some photos of those one day..who ever thought these games up did  a great and imaginative job! You'll see! But they are so time consuming...oh well ....anything for my kids and their education!!!

Talk to you soon!!
may God bless you in all you do!!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

New things....or is it old???

I love when my mother redoes a room...or goes antiqueing...or to a garage sale.....because i always get her cast offs...and i am in heaven!!!
She is in the process of renovating her kitchen...which means i have hit gold.....GOLD i tell ya......
She gave me this glass plate which is in the shape of a flower and this pair of salt and pepper shakers.....Oh My!!!!!!
I'm wondering about this plate.....is it an antique???  Or no??  She wasn't sure....she just buys things because of their beauty...not their value...but she is an avid antique collector! What do you think??

                       Here it is with some freshly baked banana nut muffins.....Yummmmmmmmyyyyy!!

                          Look at my reflection in my teapot...silly girl.....don't you know how to take photos??

And my new beauties perched and ready to be used..ain't they cute?

I love when she gives me hand-me downs.....this isn't even all of it!! I brought home a garbage pail for my craft area, some fake greenery in a beautiful basket, some candles and ....well.....maybe that is it...for now anyway....she's not done!!!  LOL!!

      Ok....i am on a hunt!! I am looking for an old ..wooden ..corner cabinet that i can paint and "rough" up a little. I have been scouring all the second hand stores, goodwills, thrift stores and antique shops i can find. Its still a little early for garage sales....but soon!  Don't you just love searching for that perfect "item"??  
My DH just doesn't get it...................................... "Um....can't you just buy one?  Wouldn't that be easier?"

Easier....maybe...but not as fun!! LOL!!
I do wish i had more decorating abilities..some people just have a knack....they know where to put things and it just looks "right"! 
I need Nate Berkus to come here and help me out just a little...maybe some tweaking!!   I love to travel through the blogging world and search for great ideas....and let me tell you....i can get lost!!  But it is so much fun searching for new things and new ideas...or maybe its "old" things in "new" ways!!  
........So now i'm going to leave you....so i can go "traveling"!!

May God bless you in all you do!!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

New rug!!

Today was a good day....well...unless you consider that i had to sit in the passenger seat while my 15 yr. old drove me around!!!  How scary!!! If you haven't had to endure this kind of torture...i hope you never do!  Lol!  :)

But....to be honest...she is doing better..slowly...and i would never tell her that...because then she would get a big head...and no teen needs to get a big head!

First we went to church....then to Kohls.....then to taco bell....then to Walmart! Followed by a nice night at home with the family.
What more could a girl ask for!

After dinner...me and the littles played Candy Land:
First...my daughter Anne won......

 Then my little man Aiden won.....

 But after 4...count them....4....i never won a game!! Figures!! Even the easy Candyland game eludes me! 

Here is a picture of the new rug i'm starting. Its for my sister and she gave me some of her husband's old camo shirts to use. I am not sure if i like it or not...but it is a great try for me...i have never used shirts before and i love to try new things....

I wish this camera was better so you could see the real colors...but oh well...you get what you pay for i guess. Until i can afford a better camera this is what you get to endure! Just use your imagination....think camo....green .....tan....and dark brown....now what do you think????  
                         I'm not sure what this even looks like on here! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Well....I hope you had a great and relaxing sunday...i even made it through the sermon with out dozing off...which with the sleep i've been getting...that was definitely a sunday miracle...hee hee!!

May God bless you in all you do!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Feeling Better!!

My little man is finally starting to feel better!!! He has been sick since Monday morning....which means we haven't got anything accomplished since Monday morning!!  He is keeping his liquids down and is starting to eat again....Thank God! I was beginning to think that we were going to have to take him to the hospital and feed him by IV....he was looking so frail and weak....and i couldn't even BRIBE him to eat.   I wish i had pics to post so you could see.....how pitiful and sad.....:(

But now he is up and around and driving his mom nuts...just like little 5 yr. old boys are supposed too!!

Today i bought a new camera....but i need to get a card for it before i can use is the right way....or at least that's what my teenage daughter said....and lets be honest...she knows more about that technical doo-hickey stuff than i do!! Ha ha!!
So now i will always be able to take pics of my rugs ....and other craft projects...so you can all enjoy the fun with me!!
Right now its time for this tired mommy to get some rest....so i can feel refreshed and hopefully not doze during the preacher's sermon!!

May God bless you in all you do!!

And I hope you all enjoy a peaceful and relaxing sunday...doing whatever makes you the happiest!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Today i weighed in..... I lost 1 pound since last week!! My heart is excited ....but my mind is freaking out!!  I have 3 weeks to lose at least 10 pounds before i see my doctor again!! Oh no!!! He is going to know that i haven't followed my 1200 calorie diet to the dot and i haven't walked my 2 miles in at least 2 weeks!! I really am scared!! 

I was very adamant that i not take pills....and he said if i followed what he said i wouldn't have too........


It took me this long to get fat and unhealthy....it is going to take a looooooooooooooooong time to get me skinny and healthy!!!!!!!
I took my blood pressure today and it was 110 over 78!!!! That is so awesome!!!

My starting blood pressure was 180 over 102....give or take...depending on when i took it.....so at least that has improved! 
but i just can't seem to stay motivated on the weightloss track....not sure why....i really want to lose weight...know i need to...but sabotage myself everytime!! Why would that be??  
If i figure that out...i may be able to actually stay on track!! LOL!!

Maybe if Spring would actually get here....i could take long walks and enjoy it....ahhhhh......a girl can dream can't she?

But.....here i am....just took a homemade apple pie out of the oven.....now you know i have to try a warm piece with vanilla ice cream on top....what kind of baker would i be if i didn't??? Ha ha ha!

I hope my doctor has patience.....and a sense of humor...or we might not have a great relationship!!! LOL!!!

May God bless you in all you do....

And say a Weightloss prayer for me!!!!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I was not raised to be racist or to judge people by what they have or don't have....I guess that's why it makes me mad when people judge me.  Yes...i may drive an older car...and yes....i may live in the neighborhood Mobile home park...but what does that say about me really??  What i know for truth is that people "think" they know you by your outer appearance....and its not fair!! I don't really want to go into the whole situation...but i had an encounter today that rubbed me the wrong way and i needed to vent! 

                         So Thank You For Listening!!!

   The weather here is awful.....raining and cold as all h#@!....The calendar says spring...but the weather says winter.....BLAHHHH!!!
At least we didn't get the freezing rain and snow that other parts of Michigan got today....i don't think i can handle another snowflake!! 
How is the weather in your neck of the woods?? I heard some parts of the country are in the nice and comfy 70's.... You lucky dogs!!! 

Isn't this soooo beautiful??? Can't wait until we can see this in our yards again!! My heart is truly aching for springtime....winter seemed to be so harsh this year.....and a nice warm breeze flowing thru my windows is just what this girl needs!! 

                              So here's to mother nature...may she quit teasing us with it and bring it on all ready!!!!

Until  next time...

May God bless you in all you do..


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Having fun.....

Sorry i haven't posted in awhile, but i have been completely consumed with projects....for school and volunteer work. Both areas bring me alot of happiness and fulfillment. It makes me happy to know i can help!!!

BUT....It does take alot of time and work....and i usually have to put off other projects i would like to get done for myself....oh the sacrifices we make!! LOL!!!

The other day i got to play around with a project i have been wanting to do....turning some old t-shirts into yarn....a project i found while blogging of course!! (The blogging world can be dangerous for crafters like me!!! )

I had some old t-shirts ....so i cut them up and made them into yarn!! Oh how the little things in life excite me....Truly they do!!

I hope to take the balls of t-shirt yarn and make them into miniature rugs that i plan to donate to the local humane society....they put them in the animals cages to make them more comfortable!! Isn't that sweet!! Taking unused things and giving them a purpose in life??  Now that's what i call having fun!!!!

It amazes me that someone looked at an old t-shirt and thought to themselves..."i bet i could make that into yarn!".....what a brilliant mind!! I wish mine worked more like that....but...oh well!!  We can't all be genius'.    

Isn't it neat though ...how that turns out?? It was so much fun pulling on the material and watching it curl itself in to look like yarn. 
                  Hopefully today i will actually have the time to make those rugs......because......

I have been commisioned to make another full size rug for my sister! She gave me a few of her husbands old shirts and wants me to make a rug for their living room. I have never made a rug using shirt material so i hope it works out. What fun again to try something i haven't tried before....it excites me!

  This picture makes me smile....its my little nephew Jakob! He was dressing up in his sister's pink fuzzy coat and put the hat on by himself!! Isn't he too cute?? The funny part about it is he walked around the house like this forever...playing and even ate his lunch ( can't you tell by his mouth in the photo??)  Ha ha.....he was comical! We are going to have to save this photo for his graduation party photo board...i'm sure he will truly appreciate it then!! LOL!

Guess i better get off ....i have tons of "projects" to go play with! what a perfect sunday in my book. Faith, family, and quiet crafting time!!! Whooo--Hooo!!!!

May God bless you in all you do today!!


Monday, March 14, 2011

New project finished!!!

                                  My newest project has been finished!!!
I had to make this for my daughter's classroom basket. They are having a carnival and each classroom donates a basket....hers was  
                                 "CHOCOLATE DELIGHT"

I can't wait to put my bid on this basket!!! I LOVE chocolate!!!!! 
I dipped oreos into white chocolate and wrapped them in cellophane, then glued a really cute flower onto each one. I then painted a block of wood and drilled holes for the sucker sticks!!! How easy and how pretty!!!!

    There is my new favorite color........ Robin's egg blue!!!!! I can't stop using it!!! I really love it combined with the dark brown and the white of the daisy's!!!
                  Alright....I know.....i really NEED  a new camera!!! Oh well....you get the idea right???  My true passion is creating..not photographing it!! LOL!!

                     On a more serious note....keep praying for all those affected by the earthquake in Japan!! All those lost souls and mourning families...my mind cannot begin to comprehend the sorrow and pain they are all going through!! May God watch over them and give some purpose to all this suffering!   My heart aches and i am wondering one little person like me can do to help.  Does anyone have any ideas???

Well...time to tuck the littles into bed and get started on my new project.....busy , busy, hands make for a happier heart!! ha ha ha ha ..

May God bless you in all you do!


Friday, March 11, 2011

My prayers are going out.....

This morning i awoke not only to SNOW on the ground....AGAIN...but to horrifying news about the earthquake that shook Japan.  My prayers are going out to all those people who are affected in any way. Please take a minute of silence(whether you are a praying person or not!) and ask for mercy for all those victims. I can't even begin to imagine the terror, pain, numbness and horror they are going through right now....it definitely puts your life back into perspective!  Stop worrying about the little things and grab those around you and let them know how much you love them...life is too precious and short not too.

On to a LIGHTER note....

                               I saw the first ROBIN of the season!!! Yayhoo!!!
This means spring is definitely on its way now!! I can't wait....and you should have heard the birds chirping this afternoon....it made my heart sing!!
 I love the thought of spring....planning my little garden...or trying to ...the kids getting to run outside and play with the dog...all the animals coming out to play...the lilac bushes beginning to bloom...they are my favorite flower by the way!!  I can't wait!!  

                              HURRY SPRING...HURRY!!!!                            

I hope spring and all the happiness it brings finds its way to your house soon!! Let me know how you are getting through these last few days of the winter blahs....i would love to know!!!  Thanks!

May God bless you in all you do!!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring has sprung...well....maybe!!

I am so ready for spring!!  Aren't you?? Even though i DREAD all the mud and mess it brings...my heart is ACHING for spring!!!

I have created some springy things to make myself happy..... 
Believe it or not...these are rusted bells i bought last christmas season and painted...For spring of course!! Then added a ribbon hanger and a prim SPRING tag.....

Aren't they adorable????? I wish i had hung them together instead of doing it like this...Oh well....maybe next time friends.

Here's another smaller bell that i just added some flowers and ribbons too.....and then of course my little stack of "easter" boxes! Wrapped with a piece of cheesecloth to keep them all neat and tidy!!
           And my favorite piece....my painted little pot....i think i have fallen for my new favorite color of the year...robin's egg blue......How  beautiful...can't wait to plant something inside!!

   Thank you to all my new friends who have worried about my health....things seem to be going well...at least before I ate that punzci today that is!! Wow that was so good...and maybe even worth it.......YUMMMY!!!   My blood pressure seems to be holding steady and i am sticking to my new eating habits(welll......almost sticking to them!! LOL)  

                 EXCERCISE ON THE OTHER HAND!!  I need some help in that area...maybe a buddy to keep me motivated...i'm not sure what would help...i started off great doing my two miles a day...and now i think of ANY idea i can to not have to do it. What is wrong with me??????  LOL   My kids try and remind me....but seriously...they are'nt too threatening...ha ha ha!
           'Come on mom.....you know you want to do it....get healthier so you can be around for us.....what would we do without you??"
See...they try so hard!! Hee hee!!
     I took this picture this morning as we were walking out the door to get them to the bus.  I just had to take it...i was so happy they were going back!! What a weekend we had......cooped up and not being able to play outside can make the littles nuts...which in turn makes the "momma" nuts!! 
        Aren't they so cute though??? My little man hates having his pic taken...can you tell???

                             Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little "springtime" with me....my heart is overflowing with joy!!

May God bless you in all you do!!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Twinkle in my eye!!

There is ONE thing that can always put a "TWINKLE" in my eye....

      Shopping...At the "Christmas Tree Store"!! Have you ever been there??  The deals are spectacular and the "stuff" is wonderful!! I found a prim lamp for $6.50!!! A lamp for pete's sake! I need to "prim" it up a bit more for my liking ....but it was a great find! When my daughter gives me back the camera, i can take before and afters of it so you can love it too!!  I also bought an adorable basket with a tin "flower" sign on the front for a $1.00!!!  Unbelievable!!! I could spend all day there and spend tons..but my budget won't allow it!! 

 Do you have a fave store that can always bring a smile to your face???  I bet you do!!!  

I am almost done with my latest dishcloth order...six made of natural cotton. They are so pretty and prim....i love them. My SIL is supposed to be coming tomorrow so we can make her little "chunky monkey" a fun little onesie with matching leg warmers!! Oh yes....leg warmers!! They are back girls!!  too funny i say!   I can't wait to see her in the outfit. I will definitely have to take pics of that!!! Trust me you will enjoy them....she is a cutie!

After that....i have tons of projects i would love to get started....such as teaching my littlest daughter how to make a blanket..I would love to donate them to the needy, but i am not sure how to go about that. Does anyone have any ideas?? They would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to teach them that your talents can be used to help others....while you are enjoying yourself.   There is no better feeling than to know that the talents God gave you are helping others!!! 

Well....i suppose i should leave you all for now...its time to scrub the littles...school tomorrow. They had a much needed four day vacation and they are ready to get back!

May God bless you in all you do!!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Common Thread....

I Can't stay here long....but its been a few and i just can't stay away!! 

    Isn't it great in LIFE when you find someone who feels the same way you feel about things...or seem to be on the same stretch of life's road as you??

Today i talked to two women who have been experiencing similiar health issues as me...or actually...one is on the road and the other has just got off the exit ramp...LOL!  Its nice to know you are not the only one ....and then you can compare symptoms and treatments. Just today i heard on the news something about taking blood pressure pills can be dangerous to your body!! OF Course...i just started taking them and they are helping me tremendously!! 
We chatted for awhile about this and now we both feel better.

The same can be said about finding that friend that has the same views and moral values as you! A friend like this can be truly priceless!!  I have been lucky to find TWO such people in my life. How truly refreshing to feel completely at ease and open and not have to worry about being judged!  Sometimes life can be so difficult just to get through....to navigate on a daily basis...that trying to be someone your not and molding your self into what you think is the "perfect" person everyone wants you to be...Can be too 
Down right dangerous too!! Can be detrimental to your health if you know what i mean!! LOL!!!

Well....its time for me to put my babies to bed so i can have some "me" time. Time to finish the dishcloths i'm working on that is!! Never a still moment for me i swear....no wonder my blood pressure is high!! 
May God bless you in all you do!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Here it is.....my newest rug!! I kinda actually like it.  I thought it was going to be too crazy for me..but it works.

I need to learn how to make tags so i can put my stamp on it. That way it will truly be a handmade goodie from me!  In the meantime...this is will be on its way to its new home...i hope they enjoy it as much as i did making it.

I also made some of these this week:
Once again...I really need a good camera!! How do ya all get such nice pics to post on your blog??  LOL
             Aint it sweet though???  And another one:
They each have a pin on the back so you can wear them on your coat....or vest...or shirt...or purse....or....you get the idea!! Ha haha!

       Me and the littlest daughter thought they were so cute and we can NOT wait for spring.....how bout you?? They put a little smile on our faces.

                I need to get my behind off here and on the road....i need to battle the crowds at Meijer....i really hate shopping for groceries on sunday. Especially there.  And then its back here to prep food for the week and cook some yummy enchiladas for the hubby!!! 
Until next time:

May God bless you in all you do!!


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Things have been so crazy around here lately that i haven't hardly had time to breath!!  And you know what that means...a run down mommy!   I can feel the bugs attacking me as we speak! This is not going to be good for my new workout routine....and i have been doing so good too. 
  1. We had three snowdays this week...which meant lots of kids running around..
  2. Trying to keep up with all the kids running around...
  3. Babysitting my little nephew ( who is so adorable!) who has definitly hit his "terrible twos!"....
  4. Taking kids to karate class...
  5. grocery shopping...
  6. My teenager started driving on the road....did you hear that...driving on the ROAD!!!....
  7. Huge argument with my husband...
  8. Finishing my latest rug (Pictures soon...i hope!)...
  9. Starting on the six dishrags i need to make...
Learned how to make yarn from old t-shirts...Which is one of the coolest things i have done in a long time!! Who knew you could do such a thing with a shirt!!
That is just a small list of all the things going on...not including all the jobs i do on a regular basis....

But it is the weekend ....and that means the start of a new week...that always sounds good to me...starting all fresh and new!
I have so many new projects swirling around in my head today that i can't wait for the new week to start some! Hopefully i will get some much needed down time...HOPEFULLY!!

Good night for now...my other nephew is staying the night tonight and those 5 yr. olds love to get up early for some reason..and i mean early!!
 May God bless you in all you do!!


Sunday, February 20, 2011


As the new snow moves in...I thought..what a perfect day to relax!!

So....i took a hot shower, slathered on my thickest most yummiest lotion, put on my softest sweats and socks, brewed a cup of tea, lit my favorite candle and am settling in for the day!

Norah JOnes is playing softly on my cd player and i am going to sew my garland. Can life get any more perfect than that??

Well...maybe if the kids weren't in the background arguing...but i was close!!! Ha ha ha!

I hope everyone in the storms path stays safe and hopefully gets to enjoy a very relaxing day...like me!!! 

May God bless you in all you do!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Its working!!!

I bought a blood pressure monitor today...and yeah....my blood pressure meds, excercise and the diet are working!!! The doctor said it would take a couple weeks to really see a drop..boy was he wrong!!!

                   It dropped in four days!!!!
I can't wait to see him next time! He will be so happy!! 
It went from 179/99 to 116/74!! Isn't that amazing???

And now onto some more good news....my snowflakes are almost ready to assemble...just have to wait for the glue to dry!!

  I wish i had a better camera...but this will have to do for now! It is made of felt yo-yos and then i glued little crystals on.

 Now i  have to line them up and sew them together...they will be perfect for hanging on my mantle at christmas time...and then i can leave them up with some cute snowmen all thru the winter time!! How adorable will that be. 
I found the pattern in the "create and decorate" magazine. I was waiting for the creators permission...but she never responded. This is her pattern and she gets all the credit!!

When i finish this, I will be able to start my next rug...i have the material already and am just waiting for the time...LOL!! I'm a busy gal ya know!

 I hope the little girl loves it when she sees it...i guess her whole bedroom is done in these colors! I can't wait to see it finished...that is my favorite part. 
I have another order (I think!) from the lady who bought the last one...and six crocheted washrags too!! I better get busy!

Thanks for stopping by!!
May God bless you in all you do!!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Two!!!

It is Day Two on my new journey... its not as bad as I thought it would be!!! I know ...right??
I stuck to my menu yesterday and walked two miles with my "walking" video. 
Today i stuck to the menu and walked in the mall with my sister...good times!! I wish i would have had my camera so i could've taken a pic of her face!!! We are definitely getting older! LOL!!
                         I LOVE YOU SIS!!!!

We did it and now we both feel better!!

I'm almost done with the snowflake garland and hopefully i receive permission to post some pictures...it is going to be pretty!!  
I finally bought the little crystals to place in the centers so they can "sparkle" like real snowflakes! 
I'm off to take the kids to karate class...my craft bag in hand ( people look at me weird there!! )

May God bless you in all you do!!!